Looking for an acupuncture clinic in Carshalton? We can help with anxiety and stress
Acupuncture in Surrey is one of the premier acupuncture clinics based near Carshalton or Wallington. Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine that originated in East Asia thousands of years ago.
Saumeel Patel, a Former Principal at The International College of Oriental Medicine, has been practising acupuncture for many years and can help with a range of conditions, including anger management, anxiety, stress, and fertility problems.

Acupuncture uses very fine needles that are inserted in specific points along the body, along meridians or channels, to encourage the free flow of Qi – pronounced ‘chee’, which will restore good health.
Whilst these types of therapies have always been popular in Eastern cultures, they are becoming increasingly popular amongst Western cultures, who are beginning to see the benefits that they offer. There are many studies aimed at how acupuncture can help with many problems, including:
- Relieving pain and the need for medication
- Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression
- Improving male and female fertility
- Relieving insomnia
- Relieving IBS
- And many more
There is now much evidence-based research to show the benefits of acupuncture on the immune system, hormone regulation, and stress reduction prevalent in many mental health-related conditions.
Saumeel’s expertise and passion for the science of acupuncture can result in a treatment that can help you physically and mentally, so you can optimise your health.
To find out more about our holistic health treatments or to talk about how they could help you, please call now on 01737 360 996 or 07884 066 404.
The benefits of acupuncture with social anxiety and death anxiety in Wallington?
Poor mental health is sadly a widespread occurrence in modern-day society. A considerable volume of people experience poor mental health symptoms, including panic attacks, fear, depression, burnout, low self-esteem, postnatal depression, or other issues. They may feel that it is something they are battling on their own and feel frightened and isolated.
Any sort of anxiety – be it death anxiety, social anxiety, or anger management – can produce physical problems, including headaches, digestive issues, increased heart rates, headaches, and more. These physical problems can create even greater stress and anxiety, leading to a vicious cycle. Therefore, it is essential to seek treatment so people can so you can feel more in control of your physical and mental well-being.
The conversation around mental health has gained massive momentum recently, and people are looking for other ways to help their mental health. Here at Acupuncture in Surrey, we can help with all types of mental health-related illnesses.
Carshalton acupuncture for panic attacks: How does it work?
Are you suffering from panic attacks in Carshalton or Wallington? Chinese medicine states that humans are one and that the mind and body exist in unity. Acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Many studies have shown the positive effect on anxiety and depression of acupuncture. It has been shown to affect areas of the brain that reduce sensitivity to pain and stress. Acupuncture has also been shown to promote relaxation and deactivate the part of the brain which is responsible for anxiety and worry.
It can be used safely alongside conventional treatments, including medication. We may also suggest dietary and lifestyle changes that can help overcome mental health conditions.
We believe it I never too late to seek help and support and always provide a warm and welcoming environment.
Functional health and our acupuncture treatments in Carshalton
Functional health looks at your muscles, joints, bones, nerves and how you move. It is about optimising your ability to lead the life you wish and be as physical as possible. Treatment with acupuncture has become central to many integrative health treatments in Carshalton.
- Enquire about our acupuncture treatments
- We book an appointment, which will include a complete medical health check and Chinese body diagnosis
- A treatment plan will be designed for you
Read our blog: Focus on Arthritis.
- Sutton
- Banstead
- Epsom
- Coulsdon
Do you feel emotionally overwhelmed in Carshalton? See how our acupuncture treatments could help
To contact Acupuncture in Surrey to find out more in Carshalton, please call 01737 360 996 or 07884 066 404, or fill out an online contact form.